Why have we produced a 4,000 word, ten step FREE guide discussing the challenges facing pipe repair and replacement professionals?
Much of the utilities infrastructure (gas and water), in most Western industrialised populations, is very old – over 100 years in many cases – and needs repairing or replacing with modern pipe materials.
Ageing water infrastructure is causing a rise in leakage and places challenges on water companies to provide the best quality drinking water.
Similarly, for gas, the need to replace old metal pipes with modern materials is essential to ensure supply is not interrupted by pipeline failures.
The UK perspective
In the United Kingdom, Ofwat, the water regulator, is challenging water companies & contractors to reduce leakage, reduce customer disruption, improve water quality, protect the environment and manage costs to consumers through use of innovation. Existing techniques to replace old service pipes are mainly impact moling or open cut excavation, both of which have their limitations.The North American perspective
In the United States and Canada, the major issue sits with contamination of drinking water supplies from ageing lead pipes. These service pipes can be 8-10ft deep, meaning excavations, even for trenchless technologies, are large. US homeowners are responsible for replacing pipes on their property and government grants are available in some cities to help homeowners with cost. The average cost per replacement is $3,600.Be the first to download our new guide
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