6 Ways How Pipe Pulling Saves Time & Reduces Risk

Pipe pulling advancements have made a significant impact on the way contractors choose to operate when faced with pipe replacement.

Starting with assessing the actual scale of the replacement project and the time it will take to complete a job, a variety of knock-on effect negatives including costs and impact on the public can be lessened.

A significant advance in trenchless technology and pipe pulling has become a widely used solution to this factor.

No open excavations

When using pipe pulling machinery there is no need for open excavations. This in turn keeps the prospect of utility strikes when working with gas and water pipes to a minimum. The risk of damage to other piping is always high. Pipe pulling reduces this utility strike risk factor, keeping local residents and workers safe, and disruption to a minimum.

Disruption to a minimum

Aiming to keep disruption to a minimum for homeowners and the public is necessary during pipe replacement. By digging up original ground surface it can take extended amounts of time and is non-economical when restoring the ground to its original state. This is a factor that by choosing pipe pulling you can help eradicate due to the minimal excavation needed.


Keeping the safety of workers and public in mind during pipe replacement is imperative with contractors working in public places, turning them into potentially dangerous construction sites with gaping holes left during the initial dig phase. This safety factor for workers is massively minimised when looking at using pipe pulling as an option for pipe replacement.


Reinstatement of property in a public area once pipe replacement has finished is also time-consuming and costly. For example, public crossings follow a specific set of material guidelines that in turn need to be followed to be reinstated.

Reinstatement involves returning the ground to its original structure, this can vary for each project. It also depends on the size of the excavation taking place to how long and costly it will be to fill and mend once excavated. As pipe pulling technology requires very little excavation it is therefore more economical to reinstate.

Decommissioned pipes

Old, decommissioned pipes that are left in the ground after new pipes are fitted are a hazard and contamination factor to the ground below, while also considered environmental waste.

Due to this the old pipes need to be disposed of correctly. Pipe pulling extracts the old pipe in the same procedure as inserting the new one, therefore eliminating any chance of decommissioned pipes being left to contaminate the ground.

About Kobuspipe pulling machinery

Pipe replacement contractors want to ensure in keeping construction machinery safe and useable. This also ties in with keeping a pipe replacement project economical.

Pipe pulling machinery can be costly, especially to repair. To keep costs down contractors would want to maximise the cost life of their machinery. However, the cost of the machinery rises considerably in correlation to the size of the equipment itself.

Therefore, by using smaller more efficient machinery, such as the KPP300 or KPP400 produced by Kobus Pipe Puller for example, you can minimise the costs, also it takes less workers to operate due to its small size.