In this article we talk about minimising disruption to homeowners during utility pipe repair. Replacing or repairing pipework underground by any method will create some form of damage to the ground surface. In relation to a homeowners’ property, the pipe may have to be laid under a driveway, path or garden, under trees and other vegetation, or beneath structures (e.g walls, extensions, etc). Why is this important? This damages the surface ground which has to be reinstated to it’s original condition. This can be extremely difficult to achieve and sometimes may be very expensive (for example, replacing part of an imprinted concrete driveway). Homeowners tend to be very protective of their property and therefore dislike the levels of disruption caused in utility pipe repair, especially if it involves replacing underground services. If left unchecked? Although the work will need doing, fewer homeowners will authorise water and gas companies to replace their pipework. Leaks will go unrepaired and water quality may deteriorate. Costs to replace pipework under homeowners’ land will continue to increase, as works will only be commissioned when it becomes critical. Solution Pipe pulling minimises the size of excavation necessary on homeowners’ land. Where pulling is done from external pavement or road, the excavation on the homeowners’ property can be as small as an A3 sheet of paper. As we highlighted in our blog article about time, this has the added benefit of reducing reinstatement costs, and causes less disruption and emotional distress to homeowner.
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